To Know A-Z About Introverts, Read These Two Pieces
Most of the common and uncommon attributes are covered.
I am an introvert. I’ve written and published the following articles on Introverts. I thought I’d put them both together here for a better and more holistic reading experience. The first piece talks about the introverted characters that are not commonly written about. The second piece talks about all the important things to consider before moving in with an introverted partner in a romantic relationship.
I have included the first paragraph from each piece and also the links to each piece.
1. Sense of fashion
Introverts and their sense of fashion mix just as well as oil and water. They hate dressing up for any occasion if at all they choose to go somewhere. They feel it’s a huge waste of time to dig out clothes from their usually shabby wardrobe and wear neatly pressed clothes for a particular event. This is chiefly because introverts are inherently not cut out to be around people in the outside world. While extroverts love fashion and accessories and tend to have many sets of clothing, introverts usually have only very few pairs of clothes and tend to wear the same few clothes over and over again just because they feel comfortable in them, and also they hate shopping for clothes in general.
So, you’re dating an introvert. Ugh. The person must be quite a mystery, am I right? He or She is also undeniably very attractive, very warm, caring, soft-spoken, and reliable. You may feel you’ve hit the jackpot, and you may be correct. You may also feel very comfortable hanging out with your introvert. You may have a couple of common interests with the person, which is wonderful. So, you’re ready to take the next step. Of moving in together. This is when you will come face to face with real hardcore introversion in a person.
Thanks for reading.